Welcome the Team Spirits of past, present and future

By Teamspirit on Friday, 16 December 2022

Phew. What a year 2022 has been. And when we take a moment to reflect on the past twelve months, we’re certainly struck by the intensity of the highs and the lows of world, political and sporting events.

But as we approach the festive break, let’s get ready for a visit from the Team Spirits of past, present and future.


United in our mission to transform the world of finance for the better, we couldn’t be prouder of our creativity and proving that financial services is anything but boring. Working on behalf of the pension industry with the ABI and PLSA, our Pay your pension some attention campaign, fronted by rapper Big Zuu, was not only a world first in combining pensions and Grime but, crucially, has managed to reach audiences historically impossible to engage. And we delivered powerful thought leadership, making the complex compelling for Alliance Trust’s Profit with Patience and M&G/Prudential's Family Wealth Unlocked.

Following all the fabulous work this year, we’ve been delighted to receive a clutch of awards for our effectiveness too. For the first time, we entered the British Bank Awards and literally leapt for joy at being made their Marketing and PR Partner of the Year.

It's also been our pleasure to support First Enterprise, our For the Better Award winner this year. They provide finance for underserved businesses, with a particular focus on BAME and female founder businesses in the East Midlands. Closer to home, we’ve been cycling to raise money for Nabs, the advertising and media industry’s wellbeing charity. We’ve also been volunteering our time with local charity The Passage, helping the homeless to transform their lives.


Teamspirit in name and nature, we are of course only as good as our people. Our dedicated DE&I Board is continuing to inspire us and hold us accountable. We’re receiving recognition for our inclusionary efforts – by winning the Financial Services Forum Innovation Awards, Diversity and Inclusion Award. Being highly commended in the Engage Awards for Best Diversity and Inclusion Strategy has only strengthened our resolve.

As the year draws to a close, we’re incredibly grateful to all our clients for the trust they continue to put in us, and for the amazing briefs we’ve been working on.


2023 shows no signs of being any less fast-moving or eye-opening. In fact, in this world where anything is possible, agility in thinking and delivery has never been more vital. Nor more exciting.

We’ll be continuing to focus on supporting our wonderful people and delivering top-notch work for old clients and new. You can also look out for our Signals report, our annual prediction of ten areas that we believe will impact our clients and their marketing needs in 2023.

But for now, we’d like to wish everyone a much-welcomed break from the day to day. A time to switch off the alarm, appreciate friends and family, and gain some clarity on the difference we’d each like to make.

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