Watch your back, YouTube
By Teamspirit on Thursday, 10 August 2017
Facebook is launching a new video offering to challenge the likes of YouTube and Netflix along with traditional TV networks.
Soon users will be able to click on a “Watch” tab within their feeds, displaying a range of video mini-series. These will range from comedy clips, to reality shows or live sport – mixing professional with original user-generated content.
The idea is that this will be a dedicated area to discover videos, rather than just watching them in-feed. By offering original programmes, Facebook also hopes to strengthen its walled community.
As part of the new development Facebook will offer “watchlists”, allow users to see what their friends are watching and also to communicate with people interested in watching the same video in an effort to make viewing more sociable and less passive.
Sharing short clips of life hacks or pranks on your feed is all well and good, but when it comes to longer TV series - to what extent will users want to share and discuss the shows they are choosing to watch in their own privacy?