Walk To Work #WalkTheWorld

By Teamspirit on Tuesday, 2 May 2017

#WalkTheWorld – Fundraising for Cancer Research UK in 2017

Creativity and imaginative thinking have always been at the centre of what we do here at Teamspirit. So to do our bit in reaching the top of ‘The Totaliser’ and hitting that £1million target, we thought we better get our heads together to see how we could help.

We decided the best step forward was to #WalkTheWorld – bringing the entire company together and tracking steps via an internal app whilst walking the equivalent number of steps between the five financial centres of the world – London, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo.

To collectively achieve a distance of 25,000 miles we definitely needed a year round calendar of events – and what better way to start than with a good old fashioned pub crawl around our favourite watering holes in Farringdon and Holborn.

We followed up the excesses of late March with our first true CASCAID challenge on the 6th April, walking (and running) from our respective homes into Teamspirit towers in Farringdon. We were blessed with gorgeous weather as people set out from their homes as early as 6am from all 4 corners of the capital – some even joined up forces at London landmarks along the way to complete the last few miles together. This was a true team effort, and we were rewarded with some very generous donations as we passed the £1,000 mark for the first time.

Cascaid Scenery Walk To Work Zori

Cascaid Scenery Walk To Work Stephen

But there is no rest for the wicked. Since then we have passed the £2,000 mark, and upcoming events include the London 10 Mile in Richmond Park and the North Downs Way Half Marathon, as well as the Night Walk in late June. Members of the Teamspirit family will be taking part in all of these events.

There are not many people that have not been directly affected by cancer. Everyone at Teamspirit is fully committed to helping Cancer Research UK continue their great work in beating the disease.

So what are you waiting for – help us #WalkTheWorld by making a donation now.

Follow the journey on our Twitter and Facebook pages via @teamspiritgroup

Cascaid Walk To Work Kirsty

Cascaid Walk To Work James

Cascaid Scenery Walk To Work Leanne

Cascaid Walk To Work Crispin

Cascaid Scenery Walk To Work Brixton

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