FSF Fintech: Leading the race to net zero with Natural Capital Solutions

By Teamspirit on Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Fascinating discussion this morning discussing how FinTech is helping to lead the race to net zero, which is highly timely as momentum and expectations are building to COP15 in October and COP26 in Glasgow in November, where many are looking to the UK and the City of London to lead the way to achieve a zero-carbon future.

Huge thanks to our panel, representing the Fintech innovators providing natural capital solutions and investment opportunities, that can not only help us get to net zero, but to become nature positive.

● James Clifton, Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Cultivo

● Duncan Grierson, CEO and Founder, Clim8

● Andrew Dreaneen, Head of Alternatives, Schroders

Discussion started with asking if the ‘G7 Nature Compact’, announced in Cornwall this summer - committing nations to supporting the target to conserve or protect at least 30% of global land and at least 30% of the global ocean by 2030 – was the tipping point for natural capital, heralding wider acceptance and adoption.

With impressive stats in terms of the natural capital opportunity, such as the World Economic Forum estimation of $10trillion in biz opportunity and 395m jobs by 2030 if the world follows nature positive paths, we then talked about what’s holding greater support and use of natural solutions back. From funding gaps to awareness and education, we then talked about the tech behind some of these new natural capital vehicles including the use of blockchain across the supply chain to evidence the impact.

With our own research this month showing over half (56%) financial services specialists believe greenwashing is increasing, the panel spoke about the risks to and how to protect natural capitals reputation.

Finally, we got in to how far regulation is helpful, a hinderance of in fact enough and what the learnings are from for instance TCFD and the need for one common framework. All concluded that the UK can take a leadership role to securing commitment and funding to see Natural Capital scale.

With appetite and supply now accelerating, natural capital is a nascent asset class firmly on the rise. And never more vital.

Hear the full recording here.

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