Responsible Sourcing Policy

Chime and its companies operate in many markets and countries throughout the world, in all instances committing through our creativity, relationships and our work to use communications to create social cohesion, encourage kind and responsible actions for ourselves and our planet and share our skills to deliver social good.

As set out in our Responsible Business Code, we act responsibly and conduct our business with honesty and in good faith. We set ourselves high standards in our business practices and work with our value chain partners and suppliers to ensure the principles set out below are met.

Our Commitment

It is the policy of the Chime Group:

• To procure goods and services from reputable suppliers who have established processes which reflect our Responsible Business Code and are consistent with this policy.

• To establish and maintain processes to ensure our supplier are selected on the basis of their adherence to this policy.

• To establish and maintain processes to monitor the compliance of our existing supply chain to this policy.

• To drive continuous improvement both in our own procurement practices and to encourage the development of practices by our suppliers and wider value chain partners consistent with our Responsible Business Code and this Responsible Sourcing Policy.

The principles set out in this policy are not exhaustive and should not be used to prevent suppliers from exceeding them. Rather, it is intended to guide you as you fulfil your role as a supplier and not intended to change or replace any specific contractual requirements. If suppliers have agreed to stricter or more detailed requirements than that in this Responsible Sourcing Policy, then we expect them to meet those contractual requirements.

Who is responsible?

The Chime Board has accountability for the approach to business ethics set out in our Responsible Business Code and has delegated to the Executive Board the responsibility for establishing an approach to procurement consistent with it. The Executive Board has set out the high-level principles to be adopted by Chime Group companies in this policy. The implementation of this policy and the operation of procurement at an agency level, is a divisional responsibility and each division will establish their own processes to ensure compliance.

Our internal audit team verifies compliance with our operational standards and reports directly to the Chime Board.

Our Approach

The 8 principles set out below are anchored in internationally recognised standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Suppliers must adhere to these principles at all times. The Chime Group aims to be a good partner in return and will work with suppliers to support any necessary improvements and encourage ongoing development both by the Chime Group and its supply chain.

The Principles:

Compliance with laws and Regulations

We expect suppliers to conduct their business in full compliance with governing laws, rules and regulations of national or those with international reach, that could be construed as connected with their business. All suppliers must comply with the Chime Group Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy. All business and commercial dealings must be transparent and accurately recorded in the supplier’s records.

We expect suppliers to ensure that all conflicts of interest are disclosed and managed

Workers’ health and safety is protected

We expect suppliers to provide a safe and healthy workplace, to support the wellbeing of their employees and to prevent accidents and injury as a result of the employer’s operations.

We expect suppliers to manage health and safety risks systematically in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and international standards.

Fair and equitable employment

We expect suppliers to guarantee that the fundamental rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and workers’ rights stated within the ILO Conventions are upheld. We expect suppliers to abide by these principles which ensure fair wages (preferably paying at least the relevant living wage) and decent working hours; the right to freely chosen labour, protection of young workers and no use of child labour.

We expect suppliers to monitor and to mitigate the risk of modern slavery within their own business and supply chain and to take steps to comply with applicable laws and regulations and international standards.

We expect suppliers to foster a culture of non-discrimination, equality of opportunity and humane treatment for all in a workplace free of harassment and abuse, and to monitor progress. Suppliers should not discriminate against any worker based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected characteristic.

Management of environmental impacts

We expect suppliers to operate in an environmentally responsible and efficient manner by identifying, managing, and reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions, water and waste and other adverse impacts on the environment.

We expect suppliers to systematically manage environmental risks to ensure the necessary measures are taken to prevent pollution, conserve natural resources, safeguard biodiversity and take all reasonable measures to prevent any accidental spills/releases.

Confidentiality & Data Protection

We expect suppliers to respect data belonging to others, preserving confidentiality and data subjects’ individual rights.

We expect suppliers to have in place appropriate policies, contract terms and procedures (including procedures to manage and resolve breaches), and to be able to demonstrate that they are aware of the data they process, and that such personal data is processed in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and international standards.

Information Security

We expect suppliers to be able to demonstrate they have effective, industry-standard best practice security controls in place to protect all customer information that is stored/ handled by their systems in providing services to us.

We expect suppliers to be able to demonstrate they conduct routine security assessments on their systems and processes.


We expect suppliers to have appropriate insurance policies to cover claims and liabilities arising from the goods/services being provided to us with appropriate limits, compliant with national requirements. Ordinarily, suppliers should have the following policies in place: broad form public liability insurance, and employer's liability insurance / worker’s compensation insurance.

Contract Terms

We expect suppliers to use trading terms based on written contracts which specify mutually agreed pricing and payment conditions.

We expect suppliers to be able to demonstrate fair treatment of their supply chain.


The Chime Group considers training to be a key element in ensuring compliance with the principles set out above. Suppliers should maintain accurate records (including records of training undertaken) to demonstrate compliance with this Responsible Sourcing Policy. The Chime Group reserves the right to carry out appropriate audits to obtain evidence of suppliers’ compliance to this Responsible Sourcing Policy.

Suppliers are responsible for prompt reporting of actual or suspected violations of law, this Responsible Sourcing Policy or any breach of contractual terms agreed with the Chime Group. This includes violations by any employee or agent acting on behalf of the Supplier. Upon contracting with a Chime Group company, all suppliers will be asked to sign the following statement:

The undersigned acknowledges their understanding of, and their adherence to this Responsible Sourcing Policy. Suppliers are expected to take the necessary corrective actions to promptly remedy any non-compliance. [Chime Group company] reserves the right to terminate its business relationship with any Supplier who is unwilling to comply with this Responsible Sourcing Policy.

People who can help/contact details

Tom Tolliss Head of Governance & Company Secretary Chime Central Email: Tel: +44 (0) 207 096 5827