What screens are we all on?

By Teamspirit on Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Earlier this month, Ofcom released its 2017 Communications Market Report. The report is full of insights about public behaviour, from how much TV we watch to which social networks we love.

It’s a weighty document, totalling over 240 pages. Of course, it’s well worth reading all the way through. But, if you don’t have the time, here are some really interesting stats to think about when you’re considering which audiences you should be talking to, and on what platforms.

67% of adults use online TV catch up services like BBC iPlayer and All4, while 45% use subscription libraries like Netflix and Amazon Prime. But, broadcast TV is still the first choice for most people when it comes to consuming TV content.

Demographically, over-64s were much more interested in TV, consuming 5 hours 44 minutes a day, while 16-24s watched just 1 hour 54 minutes, a drop of over 40 minutes in the last decade.

Also, nine in ten of us listen to the radio at least once a week, but only a quarter of us use streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music.

Particularly interesting are the stats on social network usership, which show that while over 50% of adults aged 18-24 use Instagram and Snapchat regularly, the numbers of over-55s using these platforms are too small to be recorded.

So, while we’re all for embracing new platforms and ways to connect with customers, if you have a product to sell to someone approaching retirement, Snapchat might not be the place to do it.

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