What does a decade of working with a client teach you?
By Jo Preston on Monday, 9 August 2021
We often talk about client campaigns we are proud of, but one thing we spend less time talking about is client longevity. And yet it’s so important. I mark a decade of working with Audley Group this week, which feels like a really important milestone to me. And it’s one I am proud of.
There is something really rewarding in working with an organisation over a long period. Developing trust and a really deep understanding of a company means the value that we, as an agency, can offer increases over time. Then there is the challenge of refreshing the approach regularly and ensuring that creativity is maintained – longevity should never mean stagnation.
The last decade has seen major changes in the media landscape which has necessitated continual reviews of our approach. That has included new thought leadership activity and partnerships, public affairs activity, working with Audley on evolving brand communications and messaging as the company grows and develops, and working with Instagram influencers on an Own Your Retirement campaign. And that’s only a small snapshot!
There is also the deep satisfaction and pride that comes in watching a company grow. When we started working with Audley it had four villages. Now there are 20 all around the country, and a whole new mid-market brand which we helped to launch. From the early days of having to explain over and over that a retirement village is a very different proposition to a care home (something the pandemic has really highlighted), Audley’s CEO is now a sought-after media and industry commentator and winner of Health Investor’s pathfinder award.
Audley has a vision to help older people in the UK live better, for longer. And it’s an exciting journey to be part of. Here’s to long, productive and collaborative client relationships