Video – it’s what you do with it that counts

By Corin Long on Tuesday, 13 October 2015

It’s an old joke in the advertising industry that clients want to make a video and then place it on YouTube and watch it go instantly viral. No one believes that any more, but it’s no surprise that marketing professionals are still a little unsure of what happens after a video is produced.

The means of producing videos has become ever more democratic, after all, most of us carry around a pretty decent HD video camera around in our pocket in the form of a smart phone. Even in the professional sphere, cameras, edit programs and the computers to run them have all increased in quality yet fallen in price. You do of course need the skills to use them, but that’s another blog post.

So making videos isn’t necessarily the hard part. It's what you do with them.

Teamspirit has its own Video Team for this very reason. We combine the skills to make great video content with an awareness of how and why it is going to be used. We sit between the creative work of the Comms Team and the strategic work of the PR Team, so knowing where and how our video output will be used is always of utmost importance. It shapes the way we conceive out films from the very start.

No communication element should exist on its own, and that’s why our video content production is truly integrated within the agency.

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