Do you know who’s in the driving seat?

By Teamspirit on Thursday, 25 August 2016

This week Uber announced that it is starting to roll out its fleet of experimental self-driving cars in Pittsburgh. This is a big step forward for one of the world’s biggest recent technological developments, but some people aren’t happy.

Uber drivers are already questioning what Uber’s very vocal shift towards automation will mean for them and their livelihood.

How customers will react to the new cars is also unclear. Uber users won’t know if they’re hailing a self-driving car until it arrives – with someone still behind the wheel to comply with US law – and may not necessarily be happy with paying to put their life in the hands of a computer without warning.

Of course, self-driving technology is still in its relative infancy, and the longer it’s around the more comfortable consumers are likely to become with it. Though the same possibly can’t be said for the people whose jobs it will inevitably take.

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