AI in the workplace

By Teamspirit on Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Software company commissioned a study recently on the UK public perception of Artificial Intelligence. This revealed that despite the fact that over half of consumers regularly use smart machines at home, 56% still don’t use AI in the workplace.

In fact, unsurprisingly, the survey shows that there is an element of hostility towards AI at work. 39% claim the technology will limit their job prospects, while nearly a quarter believe it means they will eventually be working with robots as their co-workers – or maybe even their boss.

This is at odds with additional research published by Accenture earlier in the year, claiming that AI has the potential to double the GDP growth rates of 12 developed economies by 2035 and boost labour productivity by up to 40% in some cases. With ageing populations and shrinking workforces globally, AI could provide a huge stimulus to the world economy.

Unmistakably, AI offers great potential for businesses and economic growth – but how can there be widespread adoption when the technology brings with it significant social barriers related to a fear of job losses?

The InsideSales research confirms that consumers are more receptive to the use of AI when it is seamlessly integrated into their everyday lives, breaking down the traditional visual associations many have.

Creators are continuously exploring new abstract forms to address this, as can be seen with the Cobalt security robot. This aluminium and fabric tall speaker has been developed to detect security threats while looking accessible and unthreatening. So perhaps as we move towards an automated business world, they key to a seamless transition lies in the hands of designers?

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